david creek

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Last week, several level-one students, Sunset instructors, and many more went on a local campaign. They spent most of the week knocking doors in hopes to set up some Bible studies.

I was helping some classmates move and my week also required a doctors appointment, yet looking back, I wish I had put all of that on hold and participated in the campaign.

Door-knocking has long been regarded as an ineffective outreach. Yet it’s amazing what happens when we step out on faith.

Here are the results:
1138 doors were knocked
645 were not home
326 Were not interested
53 Home Bible studies were set up
35 Requested Bible Coorespondance Courses
2 wanted to be in a small group Bible Study
53 people were interested enough to be called back

Perhaps the dislike we largely have for such outreach methods are lies from the adversary that we have believed and responded by not only disregarding that particular method, but all others as well.

One of the groups that went door-knocking reported that out of 12 doors they knocked, 5 Bible studies were set up! I wasn't a math major but even I know that’s 42% of the people they reached in that time wanted to study the Bible.

Believe it or not, there actually are people out there who are willing to study the Word with us.

We just have to find them. One way or another, we must boldly step out on faith and share the Good News with this dying world.

In Christ Jesus, we have the cure and the remedy and the antidote to all the problems and empty lives in this world.

The question is…will we share it with them? Will we show it to them?

Or will we selfishly keep it to ourselves?

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Eight years ago on this night i made the greatest decision of my life by repenting of my sins and being baptized in the name of Christ Jesus.

I arose a new creation and ever since I have been given this new life in Christ, my life has never been the same.

It's my prayer that I will be used to bring about many new births in people who are outside of Christ at this time.

"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!"
1 John 3:1

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

My dear brothers, sisters, family, and friends,

Peace and love to you in the Lord Jesus Christ.

I apologize for the lack of updates as of late. Term five was one of the busiest ones to date. …I promise, it was! :)

We finished an excellent series of studies in Ephesians, Colossians, James, 1 and 2 Peter, the Minor Prophets, an introduction to Missions, and the Sacrificial System, all of which were blessings to my walk and ministry.

If any of you could take one of the extension courses, allow me to recommend the Sacrificial System taught by brother Gerald Paden. This study examines the sacrificial system found in Leviticus and other Old Testament passages. It’s absolutely amazing how the events of the sacrificial process was a shadow of what was to come in Christ.

This course is available here.

Another wonderful thing about Sunset? Once a term is completed, we are given a week off to catch up on sleep, rest, and then squeeze in a little more rest after we’re through resting. This has been a calming and restful week, but I really look forward to the new term, which begins this Monday.

In term six, we will study Isaiah, Church Growth, Hebrews, as well as courses focusing on the Church of Christ, and Christian Counseling. After completing Sacrificial System, I am looking so forward to studying Hebrews, which not only is one of my single-most favorite books, but also ties right in to what we just covered in the previous course.

Lord-willing in four short weeks, I will be back in my hometown of Phoenix, Arizona. I will be arriving the evening of Friday, November 17 and I will be returning to Lubbock on Saturday, the 25th.

I look forward to seeing those of you who live there. When I’m in town I want you to know that I will be arriving with a sermon “in my hip pocket” just in case if the opportunity comes to preach it. Even if I do not get the opportunity to preach to you, tell me somewhere else you know of and I’ll go and preach there.

Needless to say, there’s one thing I long to do…one thing I live to do and that is to preach the Word and the saving Gospel of Jesus Christ and to live for Him in this world.

I’m looking so forward to being back and seeing you. Thank you, one and all, for your loving prayers, encouragement, and financial support, all of which helps makes it possible for me to be here. I continue to ask for your prayers and want you to know you are in mine each day as well.

May the Lord bless you this week. Let your lights shine for Christ so this world will want to know more about this Jesus we live for.

With Christian Love,
2 Peter 1:3

Sunday, October 08, 2006

The past two weeks have been extremely busy, thus leaving me little, if no time to post.

Yet something happened tonight I couldn’t help but share with you all!

After a small group devotional, my friend Justin and I were driving to the Sunset building to go pick up one of the deaf students, who had been studying and was wanting a ride home.

It had rained earlier in the night and we were riding with the windows down, enjoying the nice cool breeze and the light sprinkles that have come.

As we were on our way, a block away from the building, a truck who had been riding my bumper in a 35 zone swerved over to the left lane and jumped on the accelerator.

Suddenly, a rapid surge of water blasted through my open window, submerging us and soaked our hair and clothes. I got it right in the face! All the books I had and everything in my backseat also felt the effect of the water!

It absolutely soaked us! I think I literally counted four or five seconds of water coming into the truck and absolutely submerging us! It felt like the log ride at Six Flags.

We laughed so hard because this is one of those things that when it happens to you, you are shocked it hasn’t happened to you before. But yeah, that was definitely a first for both of us.

Valuable lesson learned tonight - if it’s been raining, even if it’s nice outside, roll those windows up. You might just get yourself soaked.

Don’t worry mom - I am swallowing the sinus pills as we speak and pray I won’t catch cold during finals week!