Family and Friends,
Peace, love, and joy to each of you.
As you can see, I have a new email address. As much as some of us liked it, the time came for "The Creekster" address to be replaced. Truly, this is the end of an era. Quite a run. But the good news is, it’s the start of another! Please update your address books and plan accordingly.
As the case has been, it has taken me far too long to distribute an update. There is much to share, and at this time, I will like to bring you up to date.
Wedding Bells
In case you didn’t hear me when I shouted this from the roof and mountain tops, I am engaged to be married!!
Two years ago, I met Amanda Smith in Lubbock, Texas, where she was beginning the AIM program (Adventures in Missions), and where I was beginning my training at Sunset.
Less than two weeks before our courtship began, I had finally been able to surrender all my worries into God’s hands and trust that whether or not He had a woman in mind for me, that I wasn’t going to seek a wife (1 Cor. 7:27), and that I would praise Him and serve Him in the ministry fields regardless.
Amanda is yet another example of God answering prayer with something so far and above what we could ever imagine. She has already been an incredible source of support and she is the absolutely perfect compliment to my life and ministry.
If the Lord is willing, Amanda and I will be married Friday, November 2 in Tampa Bay, Florida.
Please pray for her and I as we start our life together!
Summer Internship
In case you didn’t hear me when I shouted this from the roof and mountain tops, I belong to Jesus Christ, the one and only Savior (Acts 4:12), and the love of the world!
Since graduating from Sunset in May, I have been living out of a suitcase. In the past three months, God has made it possible for me to preach the Word in four different states. In the same day, I’ve woken up in Seattle, Washington and gone to sleep in Ocala, Florida. As I have driven, I have seen Seattle, Vancouver British Columbia, Tampa Bay, Orlando, Miami, and Phoenix on signs on the freeway, among many, many others.
As was announced in the last update, I was blessed with an internship with the youth from the Woodinville Church of Christ (in Washington state). It was an incredible summer, as I learned something valuable each day, whether about full-time ministry, people, as well as daily spiritual growth.
For 12 weeks, I preached the Word, taught classes, studied with others throughout the week, worked with the kids in service projects, and taught at an annual retreat.
The experiences and lessons learned there were invaluable and I am so grateful for such a wonderful blessing.
In the Mean Time...
At the moment, Amanda and I are in Arizona. It’s been so great being "home" and seeing the faces and settings I’ve known all my life.
Her and I will be here till September 11, so we hope to see those of you who are here.
At the moment of this message, we are currently in discussion with two congregations in Florida. We are still unsure where we will serve, but we refuse to trust in anyone else than God. He will provide the opportunity.
Please keep us in your prayers in this regard as well.
To all of you, we send our love to you and thank you for your prayers, support, and encouragement.
If time permits you to, please respond to this email and let us know what you have been up to lately, so we can pray for you as well.
With Love in Christ Jesus,
"The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost (1 Timothy 1:15)."
At 8:17 AM,
Uchenna F. Bekee said…
Dear David.
May the peace of God continue to rest on you and on your new family. I wish you God's blessings for fruitful labour in the vineyard of the lord and for a wonderful support from sister Amanda ur newly weedded wife.
I am a young minister of the gospel like you with burning desire for souls and the kingtsom of Christ. I have a wife and a daughter who is 7 months old. i would like to partner with you in the filed of work. I preach for Church of Christ Oyigbo Express in Portharcout Rivers State nigeria.
Ur blog is a good one and I love it.
Ineed ur prayers in the new Christian School which I just began to help children from poor Christian Homes to get Education and also the nurture which is according to godliness.
We are using a rented apartment and also lack so many facilities like moving to a parmnent site, study material, audoi visual material etc. we are looking for financial partners both locally and internationally.
We need ur prayers.
Yours In Him
UChenna F. Bekee
At 8:30 AM,
Uchenna F. Bekee said…
treasure.hidden @yahoo.co.uk
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