Brothers and Sisters; Friends and Family,
It is with love and joy that I greet you this evening, and I pray that this message is coming to you in a time of great love and joy on your end as well.
As always, i wish to thank all of you for your prayers, financial support, love, and encouragement. The Lord has so richly used you and your generous hearts to make it possible for me to have been here all this time, preparing for the greatest work on the face of the earth, and while i may express it often, i will never be able to express it enough. Thank you, one and all.
As you can imagine, studies, outreach work, and everything else that entails life have been very busy, yet at the same time very rewarding.
It has been yet another very rewarding term, with life-changing studies in Romans, John, Galatians, Ezekiel, Daniel, and a missions track class studying the Gospel and the different cultures.
With finals for this semester next week and one last semester to go, graduation is right around the corner! Lord-willing, we will graduate from SIBI on Saturday, May 19.
As I speak of this, it makes me want to sum these past two years up, but perhaps it is best to save that until the actual time comes and I really feel the urge to write to you about it! I rejoice to know there’s still more time here!
With graduating so close at hand, it brings me great joy to share the following news with you.
A Summer Opportunity
The Lord has blessed me with a wonderful opportunity of a summer internship! I am very privileged to spend the coming summer working with the youth at the Woodinville Church of Christ in Woodinville, Washington, and assisting brother Anthony Favors.
It is my desire and goal to grow to become effective to all age groups - to both the young, middle-aged, and aged (some of you will appreciate that I don’t use the ‘o’ word!) and to have an opportunity to help encourage, minister to, and serve the younger ages (the very future of the Church Lord-willing).
To say the very least, I am excited and grateful for such a wonderful opportunity and am looking more and more forward to this time.
Closing Thoughts
Well, I have exceeded a page in length and knowing most of your busy schedules, I suppose that’s good for tonight!
Please save this page and look for more to come!
Thank you so very much for your prayers, love, and support.
I labor for you by name in my prayers as well and ask that you keep me updated on you as well!
With Christian Love and Zeal,
Your brother, david
It is with love and joy that I greet you this evening, and I pray that this message is coming to you in a time of great love and joy on your end as well.
As always, i wish to thank all of you for your prayers, financial support, love, and encouragement. The Lord has so richly used you and your generous hearts to make it possible for me to have been here all this time, preparing for the greatest work on the face of the earth, and while i may express it often, i will never be able to express it enough. Thank you, one and all.
As you can imagine, studies, outreach work, and everything else that entails life have been very busy, yet at the same time very rewarding.
It has been yet another very rewarding term, with life-changing studies in Romans, John, Galatians, Ezekiel, Daniel, and a missions track class studying the Gospel and the different cultures.
With finals for this semester next week and one last semester to go, graduation is right around the corner! Lord-willing, we will graduate from SIBI on Saturday, May 19.
As I speak of this, it makes me want to sum these past two years up, but perhaps it is best to save that until the actual time comes and I really feel the urge to write to you about it! I rejoice to know there’s still more time here!
With graduating so close at hand, it brings me great joy to share the following news with you.
A Summer Opportunity
The Lord has blessed me with a wonderful opportunity of a summer internship! I am very privileged to spend the coming summer working with the youth at the Woodinville Church of Christ in Woodinville, Washington, and assisting brother Anthony Favors.
It is my desire and goal to grow to become effective to all age groups - to both the young, middle-aged, and aged (some of you will appreciate that I don’t use the ‘o’ word!) and to have an opportunity to help encourage, minister to, and serve the younger ages (the very future of the Church Lord-willing).
To say the very least, I am excited and grateful for such a wonderful opportunity and am looking more and more forward to this time.
Closing Thoughts
Well, I have exceeded a page in length and knowing most of your busy schedules, I suppose that’s good for tonight!
Please save this page and look for more to come!
Thank you so very much for your prayers, love, and support.
I labor for you by name in my prayers as well and ask that you keep me updated on you as well!
With Christian Love and Zeal,
Your brother, david
At 3:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello there. I know you have no idea who I am, but I found your blog just searching through a friend of a friend of a friend on xanga, and I really like reading it. I'm writing you from a place where God's placed me as a missionary, a college whose church has strayed completely from Him. It's a place of great persecution for me, and although it's amazing to be doing God's work, it can be a dark, heavy place. God can use the internet for some good things, and even if I feel isolated here, just being reminded of God's great cloud of witnesses helps a lot. God seems to really have blessed you with a gift of communication and joy. I would just like to thank you for writing, hopefully this doesn't scare you. Also, just remember, even if you don't know it, the whole body of believers is encouraging you, just as I am, and I am only one. Blessings on your future and your evangelism. Glory to God.
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