Year Two Under Way

After a busy summer full of wonderful blessings, opportunities, and just a little good ole’ r & r thrown in the mix, we started the new year on August 14.
Opening day of the new year is always so exciting.
It was encouraging to see everyone back and to hear of all the opportunities and ways in which the Father has blessed us and used us during the summer.
We journeyed both far and near with the saving message of Jesus Christ - some going to Ukraine, others to Brazil, Australia, Mississippi, Nicaragua, Hungary, Alaska, Equador, New Zealand, California, Romania, or returning to their home congregations to visit supporters and work with them.
It must also be noted that I was far less on edge this year on the first day. As I saw the tense looks on some of the beginning level students’ faces - who have no clue what to expect, I could relate far too well, from being in their shoes last year!
Each year in the opening chapel, the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) is proclaimed in as many languages as we have speakers of those languages for. Then as the commission is being read in each language, a person carrying the flag of that country comes and stands at the front.
Like last year, I sat there with tears in my eyes, because it’s that inspirational and heartrending.
As each language was heard and a bone-chilling moment of silence followed as all the various flags were brought to the front of the room, I closed my eyes and thought to myself, “This entire world needs what I and every Christian have - Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God and the one and only way to glory.”
And that we can make a difference if we are willing to devote our lives to Him and what He commanded every Christian to do (going and making disciples of all nations, baptizing them and teaching them to observe all He has commanded).
If we are just willing to let go of our comfortable American way of life and step out of our comfort zones and be bold for Christ wherever we are and whatever we’re doing. To know that He will use people as simple and ordinary as us for unfathomable things if we are willing to put our abilities to use for Him in this world.
After prayerfully and carefully weighing the choice all last year and summer, I decided to go through the missions program, beginning this year.
But the beautiful thing is, we as Christians are not separated by congregational ministry, foreign or national missions, youth ministry, or the various other ministries.
Whether we’re working with a local congregation, working with kids, getting involved with outreaches, being active in prison ministry, studying with people in a country a million miles away who have never heard the name of Jesus, etc.; we are striving to use the abilities He has blessed us each with to His glory, so that His kingdom might grow, and that’s what it’s all about.
We are the body of Christ and we are in this thing together.
I am very excited about missions.
At this point in time, I don’t know where I’ll go, so I’m praying fervently, that I may know where God needs me. Wherever it is, whether far or near, I look forward to the challenge and the opportunity.
I anticipate all the ups and the downs that will come. Yet all in all, no matter how great the trials and difficulties are, the precious lost souls all throughout this world are more than worth it.
A Word of Thanks
To the supporters, I want to thank you from the very bottom of my heart.
Since I’ve come to this place, I have grown in faith and love for Christ each day. I have gained a missional mindset and I am no longer content with selfishly keeping Jesus to myself.
My time here thus far has changed my life and my devotion forever, and I realize your support helps make being here possible. I am eternally grateful for the sacrifices you have made and continue to make each day so I can experience this.
Yet most of all, thank you for your love, encouragement, and prayers. Such encouragement has served as motivation each day, and has helped increase my enthusiasm.
Let’s continue encouraging and praying for one another each day.
Be His today, everyday.
At 5:40 AM,
Zachary and Elisha said…
Well congrats on making it to year two of SIBI. Sounds like everything is going great. Glad you made the right choice of blog sites, Blogger is one of the best (and easiest I might add) blog sites I have ever seen, to bad other people don't see it. Well you can check out my Blogger at
Talk to you later. God bless!
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